With this much money, how could I not take a pic of it all?


That's my half of it anyway. I could of taken a pic of the whole �1460 or whatever it was, but couldn't be arsed then counting it all back again. Not that that would be an entirely bad thing, counting so much money.

My premonition for the 19th didn't come true. Oh well, one out of two isn't bad.

I went to Connexions and talked to Rachel for about 30 minutes. Basically all she told me was that she'd found a course that looks good for me at Liverpool college. It's a graphic design course. She read out the brief on it and it does sound really good. The only problem is that it's in the centre of Liverpool. Well, it's not that much of a problem I guess. It's more about getting to the train station actually, since I don't know of any buses. Well, I don't know of any buses that go anywhere at all. I'm sure mother will.

She rang up and inquired about enrolling dates. They said next week. She said that we could go there together and talk to the tutor/s. So, next Tuesday that's what we're doing. Such fun.

To be honest, I don't really want to start college for a fourth time. But, I know, I's the only way i'm gonna get anywhere in life. Qualifications. God do I need some of those.

In other news, Lisa is back from her holiday so I get to talk to her on MSN once more. Yay. Hello Lisa!

Debbie is still talking to me. Some of the things she says though are just silly.

[20:01:55] Debbie_Doodles: your user name/ book is getting me more and more jealouse of claire being special to you...:( it doesnt help that she's pretty...:'(

[20:02:44] The Book of Neil: Don't you realise how silly it is to be jealous of someone who I knew a year ago but don't now?

She asked me if I'd like to meet on Friday and go the pictures. I said yes. Ah why not, it's not like my schedule is full.
