Just back from the gig. I have to say it rather rocked! Only my second ever gig. It was a lot of fun!

The place was crammed. It's a small venue, but it had like 800 people in it all singing the songs, of which I knew none, but I bopped my head regardless!

I met Rachel at hers and met her Dad too and she put on Shack's CD. I thought they were quite good there and then so I was looking forward to it all, even though I was feeling rather sick too. I had been all day. Very dizzy and like I was gonna throw up. But, thankfully, it wore off once I was out of the house.

I met Rachel's brother, Shaun who is a cool guy. So is Rachel. I didn't talk much and that made me worry. I thought maybe they thought I wasn't enjoying it. I did try though. Hopefully it wasn't that bad. Sorry if it was really bad Rachel, but honestly, I did enjoy myself and thankyou for inviting me! I appreciated it so so much and i'm so glad I went.

