It's time for the (very) irregular sleeping pattern again.

I went to bed at 8am yesterday, only I couldn't sleep so I got back up and came on the computer for a bit, only it ended up being more than a bit because I was designing Poppy's new layout (which isn't up yet). In the end, I ended up going to bed at 12pm and then woke up at 9pm. 9pm! That's bad even for me. I like to at least see the sun for an hour!

It's 7am now. My mum is at her boyfriends. Laura's getting ready to go to work (she works in Gregg's The Bakers). Oogee's asleep on my bed. And me? Well of course, i'm here. I've pretty much been sitting here for the past four hours doing absolutely nothing. I'm amazed at how somehow, three hours can pass and i'm not sure how they've done so without me really noticing, especially when, as I say, I've done nothing.

Katie wrote me a letter. Well, it's not so much of a letter, rather a hand written mini-journal. She's not going to be online for a while so she wants me to update her diary for her. She's going to send me letters and then I can update it for her. I'll update her diary later, for those of you who are interested.

I feel like shouting at James. He promised me that he'd keep me informed about the situation with MIND. He hasn't. There is a more than likely possibility that I will lose my back-pay for the past five months that I've not been recieving my money. That's over �1500. James, and indeed MIND assured me that it'd be dealt with, and yet five months on and it still isn't. I'm going to ring James on Monday to see what the hell is up.

I am forming a bit desire to redesign my room. I pretty much know how I'd love it to look, but the problem with that is that I know my 'vision' would cost a few hundred pounds. It's ironic really - my vision is to make my room look simplistic and yet, the simplistic things in it would cost more than things that made it look complicated. Less really does equal more - more money that is.
