T'was Friday Eve and all through the house was silent. Not even a mouse was stirring.

Unless of course you count the one I use to click on things.

Yes, tonight i'm home alone. I quite like being home alone a lot of the time. It means I can have my music loud at 3am in the morning and watch movies without headphones. Ah the joys of being lifeless.

Somehow, after getting only three hours sleep yesterday and waking up to watch Tim Henman play tennis only to be postponed by rain, I managed to stay awake till the following 7am this morning. That's a pretty good achievement if I do say so myself. I managed to do a 19 hour day on just three hours sleep and not actually feel absolutely drained. Pretty good if I do say so myself.

I set my alarm for 11:30am this morning, since Henman was to play at 12pm, but somehow I managed to turn the alarm off and fall back asleep till 1:10pm so I missed the match. Henman lost, sadly, as I found out later on

I don't actually know for sure where my mum and Laura are, but i'm guessing at their boyfriend's. Either that or they're out having a drink somewhere.

The guy who owes me �100 still owes me it. I'm very disappointed.

Also, I offered to make someone a site for free a few days ago and he goes and steals my ideas.

I feel as if I get walked over a lot, even when I try to be nice.

Since all I seem to get is 'Enlarge your penis by up to 2 inches!' in my inbox, why do you send me some nice emails? I've not had proper emails for ages. Melissa did send me one though. Thanks for that. Anyone else want to send me one? You know the address by now. Failing that, how about some nice guestbook signing or notes? They're always appreciated too.

I watched About A Boy last night. Good film. Hugh Grant's character reminded me of me. The fact that he done nothing. There's two scenes in it where he's asked by women he likes, "So, what do you?", to which his reply is an awkward "Well, I do nothing" and there is more awkwardness from her side. That's how I feel when people ask me what I do.

Them: "Do you work?"
Me: "No"
Them: "Are you at college?"
Me: "Nope"
Them: "Oh"

I make a very crap conversationalist to those who have only just met me.

Of course, i'm not about to steal someone's son and pretend he's mine in order to attract women, like Hugh does.
