I get jealous, and more depressed every time I hear about someone going out with someone. I get sad every time I see a kiss on TV. I feel so alone when I hear someone say 'I love you' to someone.

I shouldn't feel this bad. I shouldn't be so sensitive to this. But I am. It hurts so damn much.

No one realises how much it affects me. It's not as easy for me as it is for you.

It's like a drug. Love. A love drug. And i'm not getting my fix. I've been denied the only thing that has truly made me happy for over a year now. A year. It's a long fucking time. You just don't understand.

I can't see an end to it either. Not any time soon. It's not like anyone likes me. Not like that. Not in the way I want them to.

I don't want to be this sensitive to every little thing relating to a relationship. It's not right. Every time I see or hear something, something snaps in my brain and I start leaking with depression all over again.

19 years of my life and I have nothing to show for it.
