Head still not feeling right. I keep waking up either dizzy, with a migrain or both. Not good. My migrains usually last for four days at most. I've had this...this weirdness for at least 5 now. If it doesn't go within the next day or two, i'm going to get more worried.

It's affecting how I sleep as well. I can't seem to stay awake for more than a few hours without wanting to go back to sleep. That's not normal even for me.

Someone from a health place thingy rang yesterday. They were ringing to give me an appointment for an examination for the money I recieve. I go to that next Tuesday. It's miles away though and I don't even know where it is exactly.

I woke up at 9am this morning and decided to get up and do some work on my portfolio of artwork. It didn't last long though. I've only done one page of it. I got bored.

It's coming up to 3pm and i'm gonna go back to bed for a few hours now because I don't want to go to bed tonight so early like I did last night. I like staying up of a night. More people to talk to and stuff.

It seems that another two people have added me to their buddy list which is fine by me. Linky and Dig-Deep. Come say hi to me on MSN!

My head hurts.

