Oh it had to be too simple didn't it? I couldn't just get off lightly could I?

Migraine struck again with a vengeance.

It was about 10pm and I was feeling quite relieved that the migraine was over, but oh no, it wasn't. I got the blindness and so soon after I came off the computer because I couldn't see. At this point, I wasn't too annoyed with it all because at least my head wasn't hurting. So, after only being up for three hours, I went back to bed to see if I could sleep it away. Oh if only it was that fucking simple.

Woke up 2 hours later, my head aching like a fucking fucker of a fuck. Even breathing hurt for God's sake. We have no painkillers either. Went downstairs to get some water and then just sat there on my own in the living room, staring into the fire, shivering and absolutely tired, even though I'd had a massive amount of sleep. I must of sat there for a least 20 minutes, almost crying because of the pain, rocking back and forth, cradling my head. Eventually, I went back to bed and managed to fall back asleep again.

It's now 5:40am and the fucker has all but gone thankfully. If anything, my head is in aftermath mode. The mode where my brain is trying to pick up the pieces from the nuke migraine.

Let's see, I went to bed yesterday morning at 8am, got up at 6:30pm, went back to bed at 10pm, got up at 12am, went back to bed at 1am, got up at 5:30am. That's 18 hours sleep! 18! I've never slept that much. Ever. Maybe that will put in perspective for you how bad my migraines are.

