Same old, same old.

Talked to Katie yesterday. Haven't spoken to her for what seems like ages. She was trying to convince me about how a regular sleeping pattern would do me good, but it's hard for me to believe that. At the time of talking to her, I had been awake for 20 hours and said that I needed to go to bed (it was 2pm at that point). She suggested that I try and stay awake for the rest of the day till at least 10pm, but as I told her, I wasn't about to do that because I know I wouldn't of lasted. She then said go to bed for no more than an hour, but I wasn't gonna do that either. I needed more than that.

Instead, I decided to make her a deal. That starting from tomorrow, I'll get up no later than 1pm and go to bed no later than 3am for a week and see how it affects me. I'm not doing this for me though, just for her. I took on Sophy's idea so i'm trying to accomodate Katie's too.

I don't see how it's gonna help me though. It won't get me out of the house. I think part (yes, part not all of it) of that is because I don't want to. However, the majority of it is simply that I don't know where to go.

So for all next week, I'll be having a regular sleeping pattern. It's not like this is going to be a challenge for me though, I mean I know I can do it. It's not hard for me, it's just that I choose to stay awake of a night instead. I like the night better.

Speaking of Sophy's idea, my nice thing for yesterday...hmm. Let's think. I'm still struggling. Sorry, but no, I can't think of one again.

As for today's, I watched 12 Monkeys - a film which I hadn't saw before if that counts?

Not doing good am I?

That task is over now. Now onto Katie's.

