I went to bed pretty early last night. Well, early for me - 4:30am. Which is why I didn't write anything yesterday, although there wasn't nothing to write about anyway.

Same as today really.

However, one point of note is that I slept 14 hours. That's long even for me. I hate sleeping for so long. It makes me feel quite crappy. I've been feeling dizzy for most of the night.

Erm, nice thing of the day now and again, i'm struggling to find something. I mean, I really do go over every single minute since I've been awake to find something and still nothing comes to me.

Since i'm behind on one, yesterday's can be the fact that I watched Minority Report. Good film.

Todays i'm having trouble with. I haven't even been able to speak to many people online today either. Ann is Skiing, Katie's working of a week now for two weeks or so and Jo messaged me but I didn't see it because I was playing Counterstrike.

So, a nice thing, erm...

No, i'm lost again, *sigh*.

Moving on, I saw Emma's name on my contact list a few minutes ago. Not online or anything, just there, and it reminded me of how her life has improved dramtically from when I first talked to her. I'd like to think that in some way, I helped her too because she did seem to take my ideas on board. Now, she's out every day and sees her friends and i'm proud of her. I'm happy for her.

I really wanted to meet her once she was feeling better, but, now that she is, I never get a chance to talk to her and infact, the last time I did was perhaps three weeks ago, and that was only for ten minutes. I wrote her an email about a week ago, but still no answer.

I know it's pretty sad, but because 23rd is fast approaching, I was really hoping that some sort of miracle would happen and I would suddenly have a chance at living again, like I did last year at this point. Yes, I realise it's silly, but still, there is/was a part of me that was hoping for it to happen somehow, yet I know it's not. Nothing will happen this year sadly. It will simply be another day.

And now for some song lyrics:

"I want love, but it's impossible. A man like me, so irresponsible. A man like me, is dead in places, other men feel liberated. And I can't love, shot full of holes. Don't feel nothin', I just feel cold. Don't feel love, just old scars, toughening up, around my heart."

