My 24/7 cam watcher finally made themselves known in my guestbook.

"I guess i'm the one your pissed at for watching the cam a lot.

I just leave it in my webcam software and it records the images and i skim through them later. I do it with a few different cams. Gotta use this broadband thing for something right

BTW, claire was right. You do have a big cock"

Nice, eh? Shame he's a he! Anyway, thankyou Ferris for making yourself known. I don't mind you watching, just no idea why you'd want to.

Thankyou to Angel as well, the other person who signed my guestbook. Nice message. And the 'Anonymous Surfer' person too. That message made me smile. Thankyou.

Average day today. Spoke to Ann. She rang me at 12:30pm! I went to bed after she went, which was about an hour later till 5pm. I'm telling you, she's obsessed with me, but, I don't say that as a bad thing. I like it! It makes me feel wanted. At least someone wants me, even if she does live in Munich.

I was that bored last night that I reorganised folders on my computer to make it neater. THAT FUCKING BORED. No one was online to talk to. I go out of my mind when there aren't people to talk to because I can't think of anything else to do. The internet is boring.

I need more fellow insomniacs to talk to. Failing that, I'm open to any American friends!

I'm feeling very sexually frustrated lately. Everyone has their needs and currently mine is that I'd like a bit of psyichalness. Not even actual sex you know? Just kissing and hugging would do nicely. I guess that doesn't actually count as sexually frustrated, so I guess actual sex would be nice too. Any takers? No, didn't think so.

Apparantly the police are phoning me tomorrow at 9am. Why the hell do they have to phone so early? I don't even know why they're phoning at all. In a way, I don't really care about the lad getting prosecuted no more. It's like it's just part of the past now. But, I shall do as they ask. Whatever that may be.

I have Hotbar. It makes your browser toolbar look nicer. It also has ads. This is one of the ads. I think it's sick. How can anyone call their product that?

"The most important thing you'll ever learn is to love and be loved in return"

I've learnt to love, where is it in return?

