Seven minutes past twelve. Christmas. I really do wish anyone who may read this a happy, good, fun, Christmas.

Me on the other hand, I shall no doubt spend it in bed.

Laura is going out tomorrow. My mum will be going out in the evening too. Me? I shall be here again. Just another day for me i'm afraid.

Jo makes the nights a little less lonely. Sometimes, you just click with people and instantly like them and I do indeed click with Jo. It's so nice having someone like her when I need them the most like I did last night. She made me feel better.

I rang Katie earlier on. I haven't spoken to her for a few days. I hate it when I don't. I like having her in my life every day. Just hearing her voice is nice.

I had an idea before, or rather, a few weeks ago actually, but the nearer it gets to New Year's Eve, the more I want to put this idea into action. I don't want to be alone this New Year. Every year I have been. My mum always goes out, and this year Laura is too. She did last year as well. I get to stay here and watch people on TV celebrating it, hearing the fireworks outside. Everyone is being happy and having fun.

I want to more than ever this year.

Tomorrow, Katie is gonna ring me before she opens her present. I get to hear her opening it, yay.

My idea will be put into action then and i'm extremely nervous of doing it.

For everyone who has presents to open tomorrow, and places to go and people to be with, I hope you have a great Christmas.

Speaking of presents, Father Christmas signed my guestbook! Of course, his supposed wife seems to think he's got th wrong Neil and I won't be getting anything this year. Oh well.

For the people who are in my situation (which, I don't think anyone is who reads this actually) then I know how you're feeling and wish more than anything I knew the answers to solve this nothingness. I want to be looking up at those fireworks this year, with someone.

I want it to be a happy new year.

