Was late for the appointment with James today...by five hours. Oops.

My appointment was supposed to be 12:30 and I went at 4pm. He's given me a new one for Friday though.

I may of secured myself a small webdesign contract worth �300. Laura's boyfriend's dad owns a business that needs a website doing and I said that I could do it so he said he'll see if he can get the �300 and then I'll begin work on it in the new year. (Don't tell him, but I've been working on it tonight and it's already done *giggles uncontrollably*)

I'm still waiting on the QOL money. I'm getting very very impatient with it now. I want money damnit. I want �1750! Apparantly we may be getting a bonus as well of �1500, since they're so pleased with the design and it's Christmas, so that means I may actually get �2500! I'm trying not to get my hopes up about that though. I'll be quite happy with �1750.

In other news, I've designed a new website, housing previous designs of this diary, layouts I've designed for others and resources for other people. It's simply called Designs By Neil. It'll be updated whenever I design a layout for someone, or whenever I find something useful you may be able to use on your own diary. What won't be on there is things like how to make your scrollbar different colours, or how to do this, that and the other. I hate all of that crap (granted, except the scrollbar one).

The amount of diaries and the amount of websites I've designed over the past three or four years is pretty immense. I'd guess at around 30 diary layouts at least, 10 personal websites, 12 websites for other people and at least 400 graphics. I'd love to put everything I've designed into a portfolio for anyone wishing to view it, like I have with Designs By Neil, but there's that much stuff that isn't really attached to anything, I wouldn't know where to start. It'd be a huge project and to be honest, I can't be arsed doing it.

Counting up the money I could have by the end of January, I could have �2800. �2800...wow. Two thousand eight hundred pounds. Doesn't that sound so lovely? I can do a lot with �2800. I can go see Ann, I can buy a new computer, I can take everyone out in a limo for a meal and still have money left over! At the very least, I know that at some point before the end of January (but hopefully before the end of December) I'll have �1750, which will get me over to Munich for a couple of days, which money left over which can be saved and added to to buy a new computer.

�2800. Yum.

