God you have no idea how nervous I am about tomorrow. I feel ill thinking about it. It's either gonna be really fun or really crap.

I finally got to town today! I met up with Ste and he showed me some places to get a nice pair of jeans and a t shirt. The jeans were �40! I've never spent so much on one piece of clothing before! What's that? You want to see what I look like wearing them? Well sure. Have a look here and here. Personally, for some reason I think I look pretty gay in those photos. I've no idea why.

Oh and by the way, in case you're wondering - the t shirt says "Don't piss me off. I'm running out of places to hide the dead bodies."

I also bought two CD's for people, who had no idea they were getting them. I bought Aqualung for Lisa, and Bond for Helen. They were so made up! I felt really happy knowing I'd made them smile.

I was meant to go the doctors today, but kind of never, because I couldn't seem to get a cab there so it got cancelled.

Erm what else, oh, yeah, Katie gave me a wake up call at 11am this morning! So early! I suppose it was a good thing though since I did had to be up anyway.

I also have to be up tomorrow early as well, because I need to go the post office to get my money, and post Helen's CD and also Katie's present.

And then a few hours later, it will be time. Time for me to embark on what will probably be one hell of a night. Whether it'll be for the best or for the worst, who knows. Apparantly, Ste's sister and her friends aren't coming now, so it'll just be me and him in there. I'm not too bothered about that. To be honest, i'm more worried about actually getting there, I mean town at night is not a truly safe place to be, especially if you're easily intimidated. I'm meeting Ste at the train station at 8pm. I'm so bloody scared.

I wrote another song. I like my first one better, but only because this second one is trying to be a bit more happier and I don't do happy. I'll upload it tomorrow but for now, I must get what little sleep I can before I have to be awake in less than 5 hours to get to this post office, since it's only open till 12pm.

I may update once more before I go out to the Krazy House, but, if not, you can certainly expect a detailed report on how it went on Sunday. That's if I'm not at some girl's house in her bed having fun.

Yeah. Ha. Right.

Wish me luck!

