Today hasn't really happened for me, as most of it I've spent in bed. A whole lot of it.

16 hours of it.

16 hours of sleep I've had within a period of 24 hours. Well, less than that actually. I went to bed this morning at 5am, got up at 11am, went back to bed at 4pm and I've just woke up now at 1:20am. I've never slept for so long. I just couldn't get up. I wanted to, but I couldn't. I just fell back asleep.

So since it's late for those who I usually talk to, they're now all in bed, but I of course am pretty much wide awake now with no one to talk to. I'm stupid, I realise this, but then, I always have been.

I reached 200 pictures in the archive a few days ago, but I've not got round to actually uploading them all. I will at some point.

It's Laura's birthday on Saturday. On Friday, her, my mum, me and 7 of her friends are going for a meal in a limousine. I think my mum said it costs like �90 for an hour for the limo. Personally, I wouldn't be bothered with it but hey, if i'm not paying then i'm gonna get in it just like everyone else.

So I guess I have that to look forward to. I'll take whatever I can get to look forward to.

I really want to go over to Ireland to see Katie. I could probably go tomorrow if I had actually booked the flights. I think part of not going is the fact that i'm scared. Scared of what, I don't know. I'd love to go over and see her though. Perhaps give her her present in person. That'd be nice. There's still time to do it too so maybe I will.

Speaking of tomorrow, I have another appointment with James Riley. Not much has happened in the course of a week since I last seen him, just that my feelings has basically stayed the same and i'm still quite wary of the fact that Laura (and it probably is Laura, no one else) may of read my diary. I'm sure that'll come up in conversation again.

I may go to town tomorrow too. I want to buy a few people Christmas presents, but I've no idea what. So far, I've only got one person's present, ie, Katie's. I know what i'm getting someone else, but that kind of leaves about 4 or 5 others. "But wait! You said you didn't have any friends!", I hear you all cry. Sadly, yes, that's still true, so I've decided that I'm gonna buy for people on my MSN list. I'm sorry if don't happen to present-buying category. I'd really buy for a lot more than 5 people, but of course, money is not my friend so 5 people it is.

I might not have a great Christmas, but I can at least help out with other people's by buying them something nice.
