After much thinking about recent events, I've decided that even if someone is passing on thoughts in this diary to my mother or sister, I don't really care any more. It's my diary, I can say what I want and fuck everyone else. Yeah. End of.

Back to your regular viewing now.

So, what to talk about. Well, firstly I shall say hello to Emma, who added me to her MSN list a few days ago and seems very nice. So, hello to you if you're reading.

Secondly, let's talk about my primal instincts. Let's talk about wanting sex. Everyone gets the urges. You know you do too. You just want a shag. I do too. Well, in theory I just want a shag, but my morals and stuff wouldn't allow me to do that. They'd say it was wrong and I'd never actually do it. I know that a bit of sexual action would probably make me feel good for a little while, you know, just make me feel alive a bit more. However, even if it wasn't against my morals, there isn't exactly a line of people waiting to shag my brains out, so either way, i'm screwed, and not in the sense that I'd like to be.

I designed a nice new layout for a friend yesterday, go have a look if you so wish. Tell me what you think. Or, you know, just talk to me in general. I like getting new notes and new guestbook messages. I have to have some highlights in this dismal life of mine so they might as well be them.

In other news, i'm trying to think of other news. I'm trying to talk about something that relates to something outside these four walls, but that's pretty hard when that's what your life consists of - four walls.

Melissa asked me why I don't talk about my Dad in my diary. Other people have asked me from time to time as well so I'll answer it for the benefit of Melissa and all the rest wishing to know.

My Dad's name was Terry Martin, he was with my mum for ages and ages. Of course, for me to be concieved along with Laura, it was a relationship that was steady enough to provide for children. However, later in life things weren't as good, and the relationship broke down. He smoked, he drunk, he intimidated my mum. They broke up eventually and he saw us on weekends.

I talk in past tense, because when I was around 8 he died of a heart attack and though I was obviously upset at the time, a lot of it was because personally I think I was told at the wrong time and also not given the oppurtunity to go to the funeral. However, having said that, I was 8 and I can only say these things in retrospect, so of course I'm probably wrong about it.

So that's the reason I don't talk about my dad because he's not a part of my life no more and as cold as it may sound, never really was. For most of my life, I only seen him on weekends and even then, I can only remember a few events that involve him. I can't remember much about him really. As bad as it may sound, I don't miss him. I can't miss someone who I never really had.

If anyone else needs anything addressing i'm only to happy to do so.

A few weeks ago I began talking about the project me and Liam are doing for a company called QOL. Hopefully, and finally, it'll be finished soon and I'll finally have �1750 to my name. Oh how nice that'll be.

The drinks are on me.

