Due to recent events, I feel compelled to write this entry in a manner that applies to anyone that may know me, specifically, anyone that knows me offline. This includes any family members, any cousins, and anyone else that may know who I am offline.

This is entry is for you. For everyone else, this doesn't apply to you.

Now recently, it's come to my attention that my diary may be being read by you. I'd like you to consider what you're doing for a moment. I'd like you to think about how private this diary is meant to be. These are private thoughts. These thoughts are meant to be for my benefit only, not yours.

Do you know what the meaning of private is? Do you have any respect for me? You're obviously someone who knows me well so I would of thought that I could of trusted you, and respected you, like I thought you did with me. Obviously, this is not the case and because of this, I feel extremely hurt that you'd betray my privacy like this.

Think about this; put yourself in my position. You have a diary, you express your innermost thoughts in it. You write down your feelings because it helps in a small way. Now think about if someone began reading them, someone close to you. Your mother, your sister. Think about how much that'd change your relationship with them if you knew that they had been betraying your trust in them.

For nearly all of my life, I've been wary of trusting people and only now am I beginning to do so. With my sister and with my mother, it's always been difficult. You've now made it harder. You've also broken down the little bit of self confidence and the little progress I was making to overcome the paranoia that everyone is against me. You've destroyed what I've been trying to work towards for nearly two years.

Would you like someone reading about you? Would you like someone looking at your bank statements, bills, personal details, knowing your pin number, knowing your registration number, where you live, your personality? NO YOU FUCKING WOULDN'T

And neither do I.

I'd like you to consider how much you've affected my life as it is at present, and how much doing what you've done will affect me in the future. You've broken down the already small relationship I had with my mother and you've installed a sense of paranoia in me that I once again, can't trust her.

When you think about what you've done, do you not feel the slightest bit guilty? If not guilty, then at least feel somehow responsible for another drop into my depression. Because that's what you've done. You've added more turmoil into my life on top of what I already have. You may think you've done the right thing by reading this diary, but did you ever stop to think of the consequences of doing so? I don't think you ever did, did you? You never once thought about how it'd affect me.

But of course, if you have read any amount of my diary you should fucking know that before assuming that I may be doing something wrong by detailing my thoughts in what I thought was a diary that was private enough to stay out of the hands of anyone that I didn't want to know about them. Obviously, I seem to be wrong and also, I seem to be putting trust and respect in someone that does not deserve it by any means.

All I want is to be left alone with my diary, without the intrusion of you and without the uneccessary interference into my thoughts. You've made a serious error in judgement and I hope this comes back to haunt you, because believe me, it will. It may not be your life that it affects, but it will be mine and the people around me.

Think about it, and decide your course of action wisely.

