Firstly, I want to say that if you're looking for me on MSN, i'm sorry i'm not there but the damn thing won't let me on! 'Service is temporarily unavailable' it keeps giving me. Oh really? So why is it Laura can sign into hers? Stupid MSN.

Anyway, onto the entry.

I have a new keyboard. It's blue. It has a numberpad. The keys are not laptop style. I don't like this keyboard.

But it has an n.

So today I went to see James Riley. Like I said in my previous entry, I printed the entry off and gave it to him to read to see what he made of it. Just like I was, he was pretty confused too. That's what we talked about mostly really. I also gave him the poster that I had, since I wasn't gonna use it for college no more. If I need another copy of it, I can always get one.

After seeing James, I headed off to town to get a refund off Russell Watson and Classical Chillout, since I wasn't that keen on them.

Last night, in a spur of the moment kind of thing, I said to someone who I'd met in a chat room just a few days before that I'd meet them in town today. So I had that to 'look forward' to too.

Changed the CD's and headed somewhere else, where I bought Katie something. Yes, Katie, I bought you something! :D Obviously since Katie reads this, I can't write what it is, so you'll have to wait till after Christmas since you're not getting it any time before then! I know she'll like it. I can't wait to know how much she'll smile when she gets it, though sadly, of course, I can't be there when she does open it.

I said I'd meet the guy from the chat room at 5pm. His name is Chris by the way. After getting a refund and getting my present for Katie, it was already 5:05pm so I was rushing around town trying to get to the meeting place.

Once out of the shop, there was a Big Issue seller and I was gonna walk past him, but turned back and gave him �2 instead of �1. I don't actually read the magazine of course, but who does? Further on, there was another one of them who approached me and I gave him �2. I couldn't bare to tell him that I'd just bought one from someone. That'd be mean. He said he'd asked a lot of people to buy it, but I was the first one who'd stopped. At first, he thought I was giving him a pound, but then realised it was �2 and thanked me.

You know, if I gave to every Big Issue seller in town, I'd probably be poorer than them.

On my way again and I got to Waterstones, where I was due to meet Chris. I had no idea what he looked liked so it was pretty interesting trying to look for someone when you don't happen to know what they look like. However, there was only one guy that was waiting there, but I wanted to be sure he didn't suddenly go so I walked passed him, glancing over to see if he moved, but he didn't. I wasn't really that nervous about meeting him, so I went up to him. I was going to ask him if he was Chris, but I didn't need to since he recognised me.

He'd offered to drive me home as a way to get to know each other a little better and also, offered to take me to PC World to get a keyboard which was very kind of him.

Chris is 22, from the Isle of Man and is a student.

We talked on the way to his car which was quite a fair way away. I hate walking long distances. I was quite tired already, as I hadn't had much sleep. After walking for about 15 minutes uphill, we came to his car. He said he had to go to his room for a minute in the campus to dump his stuff so we went there first, up a few flights of stairs. By this time I was sweating!

Back down the stairs, got in car.

I should point out that Chris didn't actually know how to get to PC World, or Kirkby for that matter, but, still, neither of us are exactly dumb and eventually we found our way, while we talked in the car.

Got to PC World, got a keyboard. �12. I was really hoping that they might still do one similar to mine, but after four years, perhaps that was hoping for a bit too much.

Got back in car, talked a bit more while driving back to Kirkby. Got home, said that I really appreciated him driving me to PC World and that I'd talk to him online soon.

After setting this keyboard up, I've realised that since I've never used a normal keyboard for most of my computing life, it's pretty hard to get used to one in the space of a few minutes. My keyboard was a lot nicer damnit. Everything was closer to hand. My fingers don't reach things like they did. It's horrible. This keyboard will (I hope) only be a temporary one till I can get one that's like mine again.

After typing for a while on it, I've realised that, such as life, there is something wrong with it. The 'e' has a tendency to not type if you don't press it harder than the rest of the keys. So instead of having a crappy 'n', I now have a crappy 'e'. Joy! Still, it'll do for now. I mean, at least it is typing at all.

As I said at the very beginning of this entry, MSN is seriously getting on my nerves. Since 6:40pm, I've not been able to get on it on my account. I even created a new account before and that works fine so would someone mind telling me why mine won't work? It's not fair. I hate not being on MSN. I need people to talk to, otherwise i'm even more cut off from the world than I am usually. It's horrible.

I didn't get round to speaking to either my mum or Laura about whatever I've supposedly done wrong. Having talked to James though, my thoughts that they've found this diary aren't as big as they were, which is why I've unlocked it.

I don't think I'll talk to my mum about it at all. She can't stay calm when talking about something that's supposedly bad. I hate arguing a lot. I don't do it. I can stay calm under pressure, she can't. It's annoying. Because she's like that, it's impossible to talk to her about most things that may involve a little 'distress'. However, Laura is much easier to talk to so tomorrow I'll ask her what I've apparantly done.

Today they've been fine with me though. There was no mention of it to me. Maybe I'd just be better ignoring it instead of delving deeper? I've always been one to investigate further though.

Since MSN isn't working right now, if any of you happen to have ICQ, come chat to me on that instead. My number is 40151982.

MSN? My Sucky Network?

