Ok, you know what? This is not on. Once, I can handle, twice, I let go, but THREE TIMES IN A WEEK? I can't do this. I can't listen to my sister having sex. This can't go on. Fuck each other for as long as you like, just do it damn quieter for God's sake!

I let the second instance this week go because I thought I might be overeacting, but if YOU had to listen to YOUR sister having sex for the third time this week, wouldn't you be disgusted too!

Well I am. And I can't put up with this no more.

Tomorrow, I have to talk to her about it. And my mother. I have to make them realise that there IS another person in the house and he CAN hear EVERYTHING they're doing. And he DOESN'T WANT TO.

Since i'm in such an angry mood because of this, i'm going to think up ways to vent my anger:

1) Shout at them to SHUT THE FUCK UP. NOW.
2) Go outside, with a hammer and take my anger out on his car.
3) Knife his tires.

And this one graciously thought up by a friend on MSN:

Jen says:

maybe u should buy a tape recorder n replay her evening over breakfast...maybe she'll enjoy hearing it again, bring back good memories n stuff

Jen says:

better yet

Jen says:

play it to her mates, u know how mates like sharing stuff

I like that one.

Now, you know i'm a calm person as is evident from any of my entries, but there is a limit to my patience. There is a limit to how much sex I can listen to, FROM MY OWN SISTER.

So i'm fucking angry.

