So I joined Face Party last night. Here's my profile.

I then proceeded to look through around 100 results of 13-19 year old girls who lived in the UK with pictures on their profiles, found ten I liked and then messaged them all. One replied and another added me to MSN and I've been talking to Jem from Manchester who is 17 for about an hour now. She works in Greggs, studies IT, Psychology and Communication Studies and also has a car.

And then there's me. I suck.

Anyway she's offline right now. I'm paranoid she's blocked me.

In other news, my abnormal sleeping habits have returned. I'm beginning to stay awake all night again until 8/9am and not getting up till 5pm, where the cycle repeats.

In other other news, Ann has a gorgeous new layout that I love.

Erm what else can I talk about? For the past three days, I've been downloading the first episode of the second series of 24 and I watched it last night. I felt so smug being one of the only people in the country to have watched it. It won't be shown here till next year. I'm currently downloading the second episode, which has another *checks Kazaa* 60 hours to go before I can watch it all.

I think college is now (un)officially off my plans. I intend to phone them and tell them next week, which means that my poster won't even be seen by the person who I wanted it to. Still, I still have intentions of sending it on to the Samaritans, see if they can use it.

I really can't think of anything more to say right now, so I'll leave you with this thought: The longest measured pubic hair was from a woman in Florida. From her vagina, she had hair measuring an amazing 28 inches.


