Well, as you probably guessed, no college. I'm not gonna say any more about it.

On another note, my webcam now updates all the time. It will never be turned off either! This means you can see me being absolutely bored at the computer, or maybe you will be enthralled by watching me sleep in bed. Aren't you excited?

Oh, and of course, I feel I must mention that since my camera won't be switched off at any time, you may see me in uhh...compromising situations.

In other words, you might catch me masturbating.

Now see, that really don't bother me should anyone see that. I don't know any of you personally so I couldn't care less really (and even if I did I wouldn't mind that much). It's you, the viewers I care about and the nightmares you'd have if you saw such a thing. I'm not gonna say i'm sorry if you do see that cos well it's your fault for watching lol, but uhh, just be aware that the later it draws into the night, the more likely I am to be doing it. Disclaimer over.

If you want to view my webcam, you can either click the link at the top left of this diary, click here, or, if you're feeling extra specially obsessed, you can even bookmark the webcam page and open it at your pleasure. The direct link is:

That's mostly what this entry was for really, to tell you all the good (or not so good if you catch me masturbating) news about my webcamera. Now you can read me and see me.

And since you can now read and see me, why not hear me too? 160kb download and it lasts for 7 seconds. Please don't laugh too much.

Ok, you can laugh. I did.

You can ask me to say something if you like!

