Today was one of much niceness. Today was when I got to meet the ever so wonderful Katie.

Went to meet her at the station at 1pm, though she didn't turn up. I rang her mobile and she said she was waiting somewhere else and that they (her and her friend, Ste) were on there way to me. A few minutes later, they showed up and I gave her a big hug. It was so nice to be able to do that!

Ste said he had shopping to do and so he left us. After that, I really didn't know what to say to her. I was still amazed at how damn nice looking she was. I gave her her Polo necklace! She liked it, yay.

We just ended up walking around town for a while, talking as we walked. It was lovely being in her company. I asked her if she wanted to go get my poster with me and so we walked up to the printing place. They said it'd take 15 minutes so we walked a bit more and then came back and picked it up. It looks *so* good! The guy who printed it off looked a bit freaked out because of what's on it, but I was really happy with it. I also got the cover to the Open Me book done, but sadly, it's not any good. Too small.

After that, we went to Waterstones (a book shop) for a drink in the cafe upstairs. I couldn't stop admiring her smile. She never stopped smiling. She made me smile. All I wanted to do was admire her.

To be honest, we really didn't talk that much. We were both quite shy.

We spent about an hour in the cafe talking, trying to make conversation, before leaving. We then began walking around town again. I've never walked round town so much! I was happy to be with someone though who I cared a lot about.

Since I had an appointment with James Riley today, I was going to cancel since I was going to Katie, but I kind of forgot and she'd been telling me that she wanted me to go and that she didn't mind and wanted to know where I went. So, how nice it was then that she decided to go to Fazakerley with me to my appointment! I always go on my own. It was very strange having someone come with me, but so nice as well.

Just before we left town for Fazakerley, Katie wanted to go into a clothes shop so we did. She tried on a feather boa and I took a pic of her. She ended up buying one hell of a funky scarf that's multicoloured.

After that we then went to my appointment. I couldn't help but keep looking at her on the train there. She's so amazingly lovely.

In the waiting room we talked a bit more and I was starting to feel much more at ease with her now that I'd been with her for four hours. I introduced James to Katie and then went to talk to him for an hour. I felt really guilty about leaving Katie just sitting in the waiting room, but she was the one who insisted we go.

Since my mood had been lifted quite a fair bit by Katie throughout the day, I was feeling quite happy while talking to James. I could feel it and hear it in my voice. It had a happy tone to it instead of one of a depressed nature. James picked up on it too. I showed him my poster and he was really impressed with it. He asked me to print a copy out for him so he could put it up in the waiting room. I felt like a little kid being given a gold star and to be honest, I liked it because I was being appreciated for my talents.

Once my session was over with James, I went back to the waiting room and found that Katie was wearing the Polo necklace lol. We walked back to the train station together. I asked her if she was going to be ok getting back to town and then home to Ste's on her own and she said she'd manage, but I was worried she wouldn't know her way back so I went back to town with her, meaning I got to spend more time with her, which is very very good.

I took another pic of her on the train. How can I not?

Again, I sat there admiring her, thinking about how lovely she was and how much I was happy that we'd met. I wanted to tell her how much I thought she was nice but thought it might sound wrong or something so I held back but it became too much after about 10 minutes on the train and I told her and she got all shy and embarassed.

Once back in the train station, we waited for her train. She asked me how I was getting home and I pointed to my train on the other platform. She asked me if I wanted to go and get it, but I said no and that I wanted to wait with her till her train came.

She gave me another hug while we were waiting and this time it felt even better because over the 5 hours I'd now been with her, I felt so comfortable with her. I didn't ever want to let her go from my arms and I held her for much longer than a 'normal' hug and told her that I could hug her forever. Once the hug did end after a minute or so my instincts were telling me 'kiss her!! kiss her!!' and you've no idea how hard it was to resist. So close together and yet resistance was oh so neccessary to stop me from kissing her. It was torture, and yet pleasure to be able to hug her.

Her train came a few minutes later and we hugged again, and then again before she got on the train. I stood there, looking at her through the train window, feeling very happy and yet very sad at the same time because here I was, just hugging one of the most attractive girls I've ever had the pleasure of knowing now being taken away from me. "Lovely" I mouthed to her. She laughed and I smiled at her till the train doors closed and the train began moving out of the station. I waved to her and in a few seconds I could no longer see her.

My head was full of nice thoughts for the train journey back home. Also regret. I was arguing with myself in my head about the fact that I wanted to kiss her, knowing that if I had of done that would of been very nice, but very bad in the long run. I knew I'd done the right thing by not kissing her. My morals were still intact for which I was thankful.

I told her that before she goes home on Tuesday that we must meet up again and she said she'd like that so at some point before Tuesday I will get to see her again which i'm very very happy about because now that the introduction is over, the second time will be much better.

I rang her once I got home to make sure she'd got back to Ste's safely and she had. I talked to her for about 40 minutes on the phone and then asked her to call me when she wanted to meet again.

I really wish with all my heart that she was over here permanently. I'd love her so much to be. She is one hell of a great person who I have so much love for because she's a great friend to me.

Once she does go home, i'm sure she'll read my diary, so, Katie, this is for: I want to thank you for allowing me to spend the day with you because it was really nice. I'm sorry that I might not of talked as much as I do to you on here but then you know that it's not out of dislike but rather shyness and the sheer fact that I really didn't know why to say. Thankyou for all the care you show me online and today, offline because it's really really appreciated and you'll never know how much. Thankyou.

