I have slept and slept...and slept.

Too much sleep.

I think I went to bed last night around 3am, and had intentions of going to college, but there was big doubt in my mind. 7am came and I didn't go. I fell back asleep and remained asleep till around 5pm. That's really bad.

I've had over 15 hours of sleep in less than 24 hours altogether. That's not good.

So today was spent in bed and then I got to work on a project me and Liam are doing. As my last entry said, I'll give you more details once it's clearer.

I am going to college tomorrow. I mean, it's only half a day tomorrow as well so I can do that, surely. Infact, it's only two hours!

A small message to the person who added me to their MSN list with the first part of their email address "deviantme": It would be nice to talk to you, yet everytime I say hi, I get no response, until today of course when I got a response that consisted of an embarassed smiley...which was intriguing.

Talk to me, I don't bite.

Not much anyway.

