I've just wrote a very long entry about last night and today and then my computer decides it wants to crash, just as I was finishing up.

You're getting the short version now.

Last entry. Cried. Lots. Talked to an angel. Cried in living room with mum. Told her I miss Claire. Lots of crying for about two hours that has been building up for a very long time.

Second day of college. Generic till lunch. Found courage to talk to Lauren. Found out lots about her. Lunch was spent with her, just talking, although not much. Couldn't think of anything to say.

Caught bus home with Lauren and Wes, didn't talk on the bus. Said goodbye to them both. Will see them on Thursday.

I wrote a lot more than that but I'm not typing it all out again. Damn Internet Explorer.

I see James Riley today. I'm sure he'll have a field day with all the emotion going on. Shame that I'll probably come out of there feeling worse and just want to cry more.

Someone called Laura started talking to me about two weeks ago on MSN. She is 15 and from Liverpool. She knows my situation. She's going to try and set me up with two of her friends on Saturday. I'm meeting them at 1pm in town which should be...interesting. Apparantly they both fancy me. I don't think the chances of me fancying them back are that good really. Adele and Amanda are their names. From what Laura has told me about them both, Amanda sounds more my type.

I may get paid at least �2000 soon.

More on that nearer the time though.

If anyone feels like talking some time, [email protected] is my MSN ID, although I think I have my entire reader list already on it ('entire' meaning about 3 or something).

Wish me luck. What for? Oh, nothing in particular...just need all the luck I can get right now.

