...and it all comes back to me.

Why do you do it to me Claire? You dump me, you no longer want to be my friend...and then you sign my guestbook and wish me all the best.

Do you not know how hurtful this still is? You do not know the amount of love I gave you. The amount of love I have to forget abuot. That i'm still trying to forget about. You make me it so hard for me Claire. You really do. You make this hole inside me seem all the more bigger. Everytime I think about you it hurts. I just want to cry so much over this and I am. I know you mean well. And that's the most hurtful part. You hurt unknowingly. The tears are strolling down my face now. Seeing you write those words...seeing you tell me what a great time we had together. It brings it all back. How can I only remember the good times when the bad times hurt me so much.

I gave you my heart. And now it's broken.

These tears are all for you...and i'm sorry you wanted it to'll never know just how much.

You don't know how much I want to talk to you. To tell you everything about how I feel.

To feel you in my arms again. And I know it will never happen, because I know you don't love me no more.

But I still love you Claire. Three months of this pain. It hasn't gone. These tears have been building up for three months and I know it will be no matter tomorrow. Or the next day.

I'm aching Claire. My heart is aching so much and yet I can do nothing but keep my love for you, no matter how hard I try to stop it. You're not my girlfriend no more. You didn't even want to be my friend no more after all I gave.

Maybe you can be happy for both of us. I know I am not.

I want to talk to you Claire...but I'd only cry forever more because you didn't want my friendship.

I am grateful for our time together. I only wish you still had the love for me as I do you.

