God, my appointment with James today has to be the most boring one yet. It was either filled with silence, or stuff he's said before. To be honest, he didn't look like he was paying much attention.

I don't think he gives me as much credit as perhaps he should do. He repeats himself too much. I think he thinks this is for my benefit. However, it could be that he sees so many people that he forgets what he says. Fair enough.

I was trying to get across to him how crap I have been feeling since the last time I seen him, but it didn't really come out how I had intended it to and the conversation ended up being about friendship or lack thereof. I don't know what I wanted to say to him exactly, but I didn't say it.

So basically I left there feeling just the same, only down �3 in cab fare and feeling knackered, because I went to bed at 7am this morning.


On a lighter note, here's some linkage...

The first link is a girl called Tricia. I stumbled across her because she linked me and in the comments about my diary she put "This, ladies and gentlemen, gives me reason to surf Diaryland. He. Is. Amazing." and that made feel very flattered so I've latched onto her for a bit, since she is friendly enough to do so.

Secondly is Hilary. A lovely girl. She got hosted by someone but I can't remember the address, so I owe her another link to the newer one.

Thirdly is Katie who's signed my guestbook a few times and then began talking to her on MSN (same happened with Hilary). Also a great person.

Fourthly is Ann because she is great. I was talking to her earlier about coming over to Munich to see her until I looked at the price of a flight. �500! That's for a damn flight and nothing else. Sadly, until I get a lot more money, that's out of the question, but I am determined to go and see her.

Then there are the 'also ran' people, heh. No, really, that's a joke. I just feel like linking right now because I have nothing of importance to say.

There is Emily who I've known for ages, but you can't access her diary, so I guess it's a bit pointless linking it.

And rounding off is Jax who is well, Jax-like :).

There, now you can never complain about not having something to read.

Back to Tricia now and she added me to ICQ earlier on and low and behold, I saw that she'd just updated her diary, which I thought meant she'd be online and she was indeed. So, for an hour or two we've been talking. Seems like a lovely person who loves hugs just as much as I do. She also says she's read an entire year's worth of my diary in one night. Woo, maybe she's my number one fan. She did suggest the word 'stalker' but I'd be quite happy with that as well.

Oh, one more thing before I go. I have a want to climb out on to the roof and watch the sun rise. I was going to do it in the morning but to be honest, got to scared. I'm gonna try again tonight. If you don't hear from me, you know why, heh.

