"Kali Ma says:

Neil, we are broken up, and i doubt we won't ever talk to each other again. I hope you are happy now, at least you can't be confused anymore

Kali Ma says:

bye neil"

All I've ever done is love you and I will continue to do so. I don't hate you, nor will I ever. I love you Claire and it hurts me to think you don't want to be with me no more because you don't want to tell your mum about us. That's your choice, and a choice you will have to live with.

I made you happy. You made me happy. That's why we loved each other. You've forfeited this now and perhaps one day, you'll see why it was a mistake. Happiness and love are rare things that shouldn't be tossed aside when it may become difficult to hold onto them. This is what you have done.

Claire, I will always love you. I hope you find happiness in life with someone else. I hope they can give you what I did. I wish you all the best in life and nothing but.

If you don't want to talk to me, then I understand that. I know I've done nothing wrong so I don't feel guilty. You don't make me feel guilty by saying "I hope you're happy now" either. This only makes you feel worse and i'm sorry for that.

I hope one day you'll see that what we had was very special and it shouldn't of ended because of your mum's dislike for it. I am really sorry it ends like this.

I will always love you, Claire, no matter what you may say. If you ever need a friend, i'm here.

Thankyou for making my life happier. Thankyou for giving me love, happiness and friendship. It will never be forgotten. You gave me the best few months of my life and I hope in return, I gave you yours.

You'll always be special to me. You'll always be my first girlfriend. You'll always be the one who I loved so much that I wanted to lose my virginity to you. I will always remember every second we spent together.

I'm sorry you want those good times to end. I'm really sorry.

I love you Claire. I always will.

