Woo, 24 hours I've been up now. I don't think i'm gonna make it till 6pm though. I'm starting to feel too tired. I don't think I'll make another hour.

Claire's gone the library, no one's online to keep me alert so i'm kind of drifting off and my bed is calling to me.

I've just lay down on it for a second and it felt like I was in heaven for a moment. This is what sleep deprivation can do to you!

If I do go to bed now, I'd end up sleeping about 12 hours, which would mean I'd be waking up at 4am! Don't really want to do that.

Right, I think I've made my choice. I'm off to bed at 4pm. I'll probably regret doing this. It'll probably screw my bedtimes up even more. It would of been nice to make it through the whole day, say till about 9pm. 9pm would of been an acceptable time to go to sleep, but not 4! Argh. Oh well.

Claire said if I update my MBS diary, she'll update hers, so when I do wake up later, I'll probably write in that if I feel like it. I get to choose what she writes about too. Woo!

Right that's it. I'm blabbering now. I feel drunk. Tiredness feels like you're drunk, even though I've never been drunk.

Nite nite. I love you Claire xxx.

