Well, it's worry time again. I don't know how to word it so just go here and read that entry and you'll understand why i'm very worried.

At the same time, i'm not worried, because there was a scare like this a month ago and it turned out to be nothing. I'm hoping this time it will be too.

I'm seeing Claire on Friday, thank God. I miss her so much. I couldn't see her last week because I didn't have the money to. This week I will.

I need to be with her especially since this situation has arose. I want to be there if it's bad news.

Just when you think things are ok...

Sign the guestbook. I don't care if you've signed it before, I just like getting messages in it :). Or, you can always talk to me on MSN if you want. I could use someone to talk to.

Oh, Sophy, thankyou for being a good friend :).

