I had all intentions of going to college today, but when my alarm went off this morning, I simply turned it off and went back to sleep.

However, I was woken up by the sound of my mum talking to someone on the phone at 9:40am.

"Ok, I'll tell him", I heard my mum say. I knew it was either Barbara or Anna already. "Ok, bye Barbara", she finished with.

I listened to my mum's movements, and sure enough, they indictated that she was on her way to my mum to tell me whatever she had been discussing with Barbara.



"That was Barbara on the phone. She said if you don't come in today, then they have to withdraw you from the course. They have no other choice now."


"What are you gonna do?"

A short pause and a long sigh later "I'll go".

"She said ring her back if you're going"


And so very very reluctantly, I got out of my bed and got ready to go to college.

I rang Barbara back at 10am. I told her my alarm hadn't got off this morning so she wouldn't be too annoyed with me. Barbara's never annoyed anyway though thankfully. She said that it was the last day that everything had to be ready for marking, and I needed to come in and sort it all out. I said I'd be in soon.

I got ready and went at 10:30am.

On the bus, I was thinking to myself "should I act happy or depressed today?". I know that's perhaps a strange thought to have, but whatever my mood is, it usually doesn't begin to reflect how I truly feel (depressed), and so naturally, I chose to act happy.

Once there, Anna told me what I needed to do and I got on with my work. Nothing hard, just boring. When it was done, I called Barbara over to have a look at it and she said it was ok. I told her it looked amateurish, and still think it does.

After I'd completed that, after lunch, I went into the computer room to complete the Photoshop drawing I'd been doing with my drawing.

Firstly, however, Anna told me to get all my work out on the floor so she could see how much I'd done and what needed to be done. Once it was all out, she was surprised at how much I had and I was surprised that she thought I had much at all.

"I'm really surprised you've got this much", she said. Her and Barbara looked at it all, and we organised it into piles of stuff that grouped together. After that was done, Anna said that I had "easily enough" work for my Painting and Drawing exam, which I was very surprised by. As for the rest of my work, she said that I was to put it on a 'Design Development Sheet' and everything would look fine.

I can't believe I'm not as far behind as I thought I was. It's quite a relief. What Anna/Barbara has said had made me think that I'll be able to get whatever done for my exam now.

I finished my Photoshop piece by 3:20pm and showed Anna. She said it was 'lovely'. Then again, any work anyone shows her she says is lovely and so I chose to take her comments as generic. She's a teacher - she's not allowed to say "that's crap".

At the end, Anna gathered all of my exam work together and said that tonight, make notes on all of the work and then tomorrow, put them on a design development sheet. I was also going to print off my Photoshop drawing, but I've forgotten to bring the disk home with me.

After I'd said goodbye to Anna/Barbara, I went to Media, since Alan wanted the whole of the Media class after we'd finished art. Something about editing the film they all done.

It was a waste of time going really, since all he said was about what we're going to do on Wednesday. He also said that Thursday is the last day for all three assignments, which worries me, since I haven't done any. I told him this and he said he'd see me tomorrow.

I waited for the bus and came home.

Tomorrow I have English in the morning, which should be interesting boring.

Tonight I have to write notes on my work, which shouldn't take too long I don't think and then tomorrow, I'll cut it up and stick it on an A2/1 sheet of card. That will then be my design development sheet and I'll have completed my exam.

I had no idea I'd be able to do it.

