Although I felt absolutely tired by about 1am last night, for some reason, I ended up staying awake till 10:30am. I don't even know what I do to make the time pass.

And now, I've only just woke up. 9pm. I did set my alarm for 5pm, but I just switched it off and went back to sleep. I didn't mean to fall back asleep, but I guess that's what you get if you turn over and close your eyes in a nice warm bed.

My migrain has gone now, thankfully. I can still feel faint traces of it, but the actual pain has gone.

I was going to go see K-Pax tonight, but the thought of sitting there on my own, without Claire, didn't appeal to me too much. I told her this this morning when she was online, and she said we can go and see it next week together.

Oh, just a small trivial thing, but I've past the 300 entries mark.

I need a new computer game to play on all night. I completed the last one I got too quickly. Any ideas as to which games are good? You know how to tell me.

I might go to town tomorrow and get one. I have exactly �100 to spend, but �40-50 of that is set aside for something else. Claire knows what I mean ;).

So I still have enough money for a game, and about �10-15 left over. I put �50 in the bank as well, so even after I've spent this money, I'll still have incase-of-emergency-break-the-bank money.

Someone seems to have stolen my Nickelback CD from college. I left it there a few weeks ago in my desk, but when I went to see if it was there on Thursday, it wasn't. Also, it wasn't in the Nickelback cover. It was in the Travis one. So now I have a Travis CD, with a Nickelback cover, and no Nickelback CD or Travis cover. Whoever has stolen it I hope they get what they deserve.

Speaking of lost things, I seem to have lost my SimCity 2000 game as well, but that should be in my room somewhere. I've looked everywhere for it and still can't find it. I didn't really want to play on it, but it's the fact that I can't find it that's really annoying.

I'm going downstairs now and hopefully when I come back up, I'll still feel as ok in the head as I do now. Hopefully, my mum isn't in a moaning mood.


