Thankfully, today went better than yesterday, and as a result I managed to get my PAINTING finished...or so I thought.

I went in college, feeling tired, but not as tired as yesterday. I didn't really want to go in early, but knew that I kind of had to, in an act of good faith, since Anna had been so kind to me yesterday. I got set up and continued working on my painting which took me through to lunchtime. I was happy with the final piece. I mean for someone who's never really painted anything in his life, at least I tried to put some shading in (unlike some others).

I know you might not be able to tell what everything is, but really, you're not supposed to. It's done so that you have to stand back to see what it is, and even then I bet you'll have trouble.

I was the only one in the classroom at lunch. I wasn't hungry and I didn't want to go anywhere, so I just stayed in the classroom. I decided to take some pictures, but I didn't really like any of them so they got deleted. I did however, take THIS. Now you have an idea of what my classroom looks like, and who sits where :).

While I had nothing else to do, I decided that I'd fill in a page of my sketch book by sketching out the painting I'd done. I like drawing, but i'm no good at it. Still, I percivere. THIS is my final sketch result. I know, it doesn't look like much, but i'm quite happy with that.

I also took

After lunch, people started coming in and I showed Anna my painting. She said it needed to be improved on and I agreed with her. She also asked me how I was feeling.

"I feel better now"

"How are you really feeling?"

"I do feel better, but I still feel like breaking down and crying"

A concerned look came over her face.

"Really? Well why don't you? Sometimes it's good to cry"

"I can't"

"Why can't you?" She thought I meant I couldn't because she thought I meant I couldn't be seen crying or something.

"I just can't. Even if I want to cry, I can't".

"Put a sad film on. That'll do it."

"Never does."

The we got interrupted by someone and so the conversation, that was finally going somewhere with someone was broken.

Half of our group had this strange discussion thing with an extra teacher. Although they won't admit it, I am almost sure that the whole thing is basically to get us to open up and develop of personal skills more. The ones who are in this group aren't the best of communicators (obviously myself includes) and so I think that's why we're in this group.

The discussion was about the argument to legalise Cannibis or not. The group was split in two, for and against. I was on the for side of things. The teacher started things going and soon people contributed various things to the discussion. I tend to remain quiet in situations like these. Not because I feel shy, but rather because what I want to say, people take as me being all intelligent and high and mighty kind of thing.

Because I speak with a different kind of structure to the rest of them, they see me as trying to be clever, when in fact, i'm just trying to be me. Whenever I use 'big' words, they always comment on it. It's annoying. This is why I stay quiet, as the only people who usually understand what i'm on about is the teachers. What I did say, went down well with the teacher and she asked had I done Economics and I haven't. She said I should be. A nice compliment :).

The next thing was to write a short essay on the for or against the legalisation of Cannibis. I don't know much about drugs really, but I do know what kind of influence they have in any kind of financial enviroment, so I wrote about that. While I started on the essay, as usual, the rest of them talked and messed around. I don't think any of them actually wrote anything. I just got on with it. The lesson only lasts an hour and I didn't even realise that the teacher had already gone and I was still writing away. I hadn't even bothered to look up. I carried on writing anyway and managed to finish it at a page and a half which I was pleased about.

I then talked to Kirsty and Jenny for a bit and then something very erm...unexpected happened. Kirsty and Jenny were talking to each other and I was a little bit away from them. I was just minding my own business really. Then, I looked across at Kirsty and she was hugging her knees sitting on the desk. Then, as I looked slightly further down, I saw that the front of her knickers were showing! lol. I could see the outline of well, you know what lol. I didn't know where to look. I held my line of sight for about 2 seconds, and then looked away because I didn't know what else to do lol. After a minute or two, she moved positions and I could breath again! A nice present, I guess :p.

After break Anna wanted me to add to my painting so I did and it's starting to look better now, but only because Anna herself has done the good parts. If she wants to do it then she can! She'll get me better marks :).

All afternoon, Kirsty didn't do a thing. She didn't do no work at all. Around 20 minutes before the end of the day, Anna went over to her and asked what she was getting on with. She replied 'nothing'. 'You've done nothing all afternoon?', Anna asked her. 'Fine', she said and she came back over to help me with my painting.

A few minutes later, after everyone had gone, Kirsty's mum walked in the door. At this point, I knew it was time to go. I got my jacket, said goodbye to Kirsty and Anna and left. I have no doubt in my mind that Kirsty will have gotten a very bad warning from Anna over her attitude these past weeks. There could well be a chance that she's been kicked from the course. If she has, then I will miss her.

Tomorrow, Jenny said she is bringing a picure of her friend in for me to see if she's nice looking or not. Kirsty has seen the picture of her and she says she's nice looking, but I have different tastes to her, so I dunno. Also, apparantly the group is going to town. Urgh. How fun. We're not even going anywhere in particular. Just to town. Should be boring. I'll take my camera, though. See if there's anything worth taking pictures of.

*mwah* you know who that's for :p.

