Today was interesting, and it was also boring. My feet hurt, my hands were cold and I wanted to go home. Having said that, I did take some really good photos.

My alarm went off as usual at 7am, but I fell back asleep and I heared Laura going out the door I looked at the time and it was 8:20am! Most people would jump out of bed and get ready, but I didn't. Infact, I decided to try go back asleep, but the thought of Anna ringing me to see where I was, or seeing the picture of Jenny's friend made me get up in the end at 9am. The bus was at 9:20, so I had 20 minutes to get ready, which was surprisingly easy to do. It's ironic then, that I missed the bus lol. I got the next one at 9:35.

Got to college and seen Jenny and Lee. They told me that I didn't have to be there till 10:30! So I could of slept in afterall, but I wasn't too bothered now that I was there. I asked Jenny did she bring the picture of her friend in and she hadn't. She said she will tomorrow though, but then why believe her if she keeps saying that? lol.

I went in the classroom and left Lee and Jenny to be loud and sometimes annoying. After about 10 minutes, the fire alarm went off. I found it amusing the way no one at all moved. No one even had a surprised look on their face. The place could be on fire and we're all sitting there like nothing has happened.

Barbara came in and told us all to go wait in the car park. I saw Jenny and Lee and they came over to me. Lee had a very unusual grin on his face. Yes, I know what you're thinking and yes, you're right. He'd pressed the fire alarm! How stupid can you be? Why do that? It only means we're cold for 10 minutes while the security guards figure out that there's no fire. Silly boy. We all went back in and then after another five minutes went the train station and went to town.

Anna handed us our worksheet and told us that we were to spend 30 minutes in Lime Street Station sketching whatever we could find. In the end, I sat down and sketched the ROOF along with most of the rest of them all. I felt ashamed really. In a group of people drawing a bloody roof. We looked like we were tourists or something. It was awful.

After that, we went on a very strange journey around Liverpool. We came out of the train station and Barbara asked me to take a picture of THIS so I did. I also took a picture of THIS building. For what reason, I do not know.

I think Anna went a little bit crazy. She had a camera with her and was running all over the place trying to take pictures of various things. It was quite scary to watch.

Then we went to St George's hall (I think that's what it's called anyway) and took more pictures. I was happy taking pictures. I like doing it. Here's another ONE. I took THIS picture as well. I found it funny for some reason. I bet 95% of people don't like that sign. I then took a picture of this WINDOW because it was there and I think by this time I had caught whatever Anna had.

We crossed the road and went over to St George's Hall. I took a picture of one the LIONS outside. There's also a MONUMENT outside it too, with lots of PEOPLE including WOMEN and SOLDIERS. On the side of the monument, there's THIS, which I also took a CLOSE up pic of. Also, I took a picture of St GEORGE himself, before going inside the hall.

Inside, it was warm, which was very nice, since the weather outside was far from warm. Infact, when you only have a t shirt on under a jacket, it's VERY cold.

The hall is well, a hall. It doesn't have anything in it, but it does have lots of things to take pictures of in it. I took a rubbing of THIS but it looks stupid. Then I moved over a bit to find THIS and I also took a FULL length pic of it.

I decided to put my sketchbook down and take pictures instead. Firstly, I took a picture of the FLOOR, then of a lion on the CEILING. I walked to the other end of the hall and took another picture of the FLOOR before noticing a gold door which I went over to see. Firstly, I took a picture of the design OVER the door, along with a CLOSE up of it as well. Then I took a picture of the MAIN part of the door, along with the bit ABOVE it, and also the door's RIDGES that were on the side of it.

After that, I noticed how cool the CHANDELIERS were and got a CLOSE up of one. There was a STAINED glass window which was a bit obscured, but I tried my best to take a picture of it.

I saw Jenny and Lee working in the corner, but didn't disturb them. I went back to walking round the room, taking more pictures, which included the DESIGN on a wall, and also the STAIR design.

After that, I went over to the far corner where no one was and took a picture of THIS wall and then started to sketch it, but it was way too hard. I tried to do it, but it looks pathetic. After a while, I noticed that it had become strangely quiet in there. I turned around and everyone had gone! I went back to drawing though and after a while, Liam came in and called me to hurry up so I did.

I liked it in there. It was warm.

We went on a long walk after that, taking a picture of the ADELPHI hotel, and a picture of a FACEalong with pictures of THIS and THAT. Anna wanted me to take a picture of GEORGE Lewis, so I did.

It was getting boring by this point. I wanted to go home. So did everyone else. Still, we kept going. I took a picture of a random BUILDING, and also of some CLUB doors.

Then we went on another big walk where we found a CHURCH, but I liked THIS tree and THAT one better.

We stayed there and tried to draw the church, but no one really suceeded. I was started to get really bored. I just wanted to go home, yet we carried on walking again, after 20 minutes of trying to draw the church.

Another long walk followed and led us to the PHILHARMONIC and it's PUB. Anna wanted us to all go in, but the boss of the place wouldn't let us. I managed to get a picture from INSIDE before we all had to get out again. So then we took rubbings of the outside of it and I took a picture of the TOP of the entrance.

After that, another (yes, another!) long walk ensued, taking us past THIS and all of this cool <GRAFITTI. It must of took someone ages to do THIS and THIS.

After that it was lunch and we had to wakl all the way back to get to Burger King. I was in front of them all and I thought they were all behind me. I got to Burger King and looked around for signs of the others but there were nowhere to be seen and none of them turned up! So I ate alone and then made my way back up to where I thought we were supposed to meet. THESE are cool. They look real from a distance but they're concrete! They're supposed to symbolise the leaving of Liverpool. Going to find a new life. There's a guitar case there that is one of The Beatles. It's just a very strange thing.

I walked around to see if any of the rest where around but no one was to be seen! I'd lost them! lol

I decided that I wasn't going to wait any longer for them because it was cold, so I started walking yet again further up to another church. On the way, I met a and stroke him/her for bit and then I walked further up to the church, where I started to draw THIS for about 40-60 minutes. People walked past me. No doubt they saw what I was drawing and it was crap lol. Still, I carried on.

My hands were getting REALLY cold and my feet were beginning to ache, so I finished it off and left. Because I'd be standing there for so long, my heels were aching and as I walked, I was limping. I went back the way I came and in the distance, I saw the rest of the group! I stopped, thought about it for a second and decided that I didn't want to rejoin them and that I was going home. I turned round and headed back the way I came so I could walk round them without them seeing me. I felt bad for doing this, but I wasn't willing to freeze to death no more so I came home.

So, it was a very long, and tiring day. I got work done though, and took near 60 photos! I would of took more, but my batteries died.

I'll just say to Anna tomorrow that I couldn't find the rest of the group so I came home after I did that last drawing. Hopefully she'll believe me.

Well, it's kind of true...kind of :p.

