I went to college, as I said I wouldn't but it was more boring than I thought it was going to be.

I had thoughts about going in early, so I could maybe try and finish off my still life drawing, and also, go the village to get some money out of the bank so I could buy the �14.50 paints that we all have to buy for our project. Instead, I decided to go in at the normal time.

I waited for Anna and/or Barbara to show up, but they didn't and instead, a guy (I can't remember his name) showed up and he said we were going down to the presentation room or whatever it's called for a drugs awareness thing. So we went down and basically it was this guy who talked to us for over an hour about drugs and the effects of them and the good and bad side of them and it was very boring. Most of the people in there already take drugs in some form or another. Whether it be weed or a few pills. What he was telling us, most of them knew anyway. I don't think it was any good to any of us.

Then, we had a short break. Kirsty wanted to go get a drink from the shop, so I went with her. On our way out of the classroom, the teacher stopped us and asked where we were going.

Kirsty - We're only going to get a drink.

Him - No you're not, it's 3pm the lesson is supposed to start now.

Me - We'll only be a minute.

Him - You tell him what you want and he can go get it.

Me - Why can't we both go? We'll only be 2 minutes.

Him - Alright then, be quick.

Shows you how effective answering back is sometimes.

So we both went the shop for a drink. It's always nice to spend time with Kirsty on our own. I don't know why. I mean, I don't say more to her or anything, I just like being in her company. I think she talks about more personal things when it's just me and her as well. She seems like she's more herself around me than with Catherine or Jenny. Maybe it's that's just me though thinking that.

We went back to college 10 minutes late, and then we had to watch a video about life drawing with a girl called Jenny Saville. She uses her body to create strange, deformed pieces of art. It's quite unusual. At the front, all of them were saying things like "Oh my god that's disgusting", or "Why do we have this? This is horrible". What they couldn't see is that it was art. All they saw was deforments and associated it with being horrible. I felt like telling them all to shut up, since they ere making stupid noises about it, when I was trying to watch it and learn more about why and how they were doing what they were doing.

After it had finished, Kirsty turned to me and said "Did you think that was horrible?". I said no, and that I thought it was art and she agreed with me. She also commented on the fact that all of them at the front were being stupid. I find that comforting, that I wasn't the only one who was interested in the video. Thankyou Kirsty.

On the bus home, I saw someone that looked a bit like Christina Ricci. I wanted to take a picture of her, but I knew that the flash would be very noticeable, so I turned it off and took a picture, but my camera doesn't compensate for ambient light very well. Here's some of the pictures I took on the bus:

Bus 1

Bus 2

Bus 3

I took these once I got off the bus:

Road 1

Road 2

Road 3

I took these a few days ago, but forgot to upload them:

The contents of an apple tea tea bag

Biscuits I tried to draw with pastels (I don't think I did that bad)

My pen and water drawing which i'm quite proud of.

A fake cat. Anna brought this in. It is her daughter's. It's freaky.

I'm very tired now.

I really must take more pictures.

