It's just over an hour away from being 2002, and yes, as I've been saying for the past few days, I'm stuck in. I knew it.

Kirsty didn't ring me. Jenny didn't ring me. I have nothing to do but sit here on my own and watch as everyone else celebrates. Even my mum, who said she was going to be in this year, and wasn't going anywhere has gone out. Obviously my sister has as well, along with Claire no doubt.

I feel left out. I feel VERY left out.

I keep watching the rest of the world ring in the new year. Sydney, China, and most other places east of Britain. All around, people look happy, dancing, laughing, having a good time. I shouldn't be here writing this entry. I should be out somewhere. Anywhere.

I'm not, though.

New Year's Eve gets worse for me every year.

