"I never fit into any crowd. Prep...to them I was a geek. To the geeks I was a punk. To the punks I was a hippie. To the hippies I was a loner. To the loners I was a social. To all the social ones I was too independent. To the orginals I was an introvert. To the introverts I was too wild. To those wild rebels I was too gothic. To the gothics I was too prep. One continous cycle. The problem was I never wanted to be in a crowd, I just wanted to be me and accepted for it. I guess then I became an outcast...and the fucking outcasts said I was too offbeat. So Maybe somewhere out there, perhaps..there might be some offbeats just like me. Or maybe I can go along with my accepting companions of solitude, nature, and life...with happiness in my heart."


Well said. Well said!

(You missed the new entry before this one by the way. No, really, you did. Have a look.)

