Hmm 3 days without an entry...bad Neil.

Oogee got castrated on Wednesday. Poor cat. So now he won't try to hump me no more or be aggressive to other cats. Well, that's the idea anyway.

I had my third driving lesson today (or yesterday if you're being technical) and it was a lot better than my first two lessons, although I do still have trouble starting from a standstill. I keep stalling and i'm not even sure why.

John is terrible in the car. He panics more than me. He swears a lot at other cars too. So much road rage in him. He doesn't like bus drivers, lorry drivers...or woman drivers. Hmm.

I haven't been to college this week and i'm really missing my friends. I don't know whether to go tomorrow or not, because it's only Media Studies and it's SO boring, plus the fact that I already know everything that Alan 'teaches' me. I really don't see the point in sitting in a lesson for 3/4 hours if I learn nothing.

Remember to check out my website http://orbitalfusion.cjb.net :)

