Not a lot to comment on again. Life's boring.

Insted, how about this...

"Over the years, Family Fortunes has spawned some of the silliest game show answers ever. Here are some of the best of the worst responses...

Q: Name something you might put on jacket potatoes,

A: Jam

Q: Name someone who works with microchips.

A: A fish fryer.

Q: Name a place where you wouldn't expect to meet a nun.

A: A brothel.

Q: Name a weapon used in the board game Cluedo.

A: Dice.

Q: A game you would play in the bath.

A: Scuba Diving.

Q: A place you would keep a pen.

A: The zoo.

Q: Something you shovel.

A: A hole.

Q: A famous Arthur

A: Shakespeare.(She thought he said author).

Q: Name something you associate with the sea.

A: A coffin.

Q: Name an occupation where you might use a torch.

A: Burglary.

Q: Name something people take with them to the beach.

A: Turkey

Q: Name a non-living object that has teeth.

A: A plant.

Q: Name something that might frighten Dracula.

A: Bob Monkhouse.

Q: Name something associated with the X Files.

A: A television.

Q: What should a girl know about a man before she marries him.

A: His name.

Q: Something you wouldn't try on a train.

A: Sex.

Q: A part of the body everyone has only one of.

A: Big toe.

Q: Name a polite name or phrase people use to curse.

A: Bugger.

Q: Name an article of clothing a woman might borrow from a man.

A: Underpants.

Q: Name something associated with the three bears.

A: Red Riding Hood.

Q: Something people take from hotels as a souvenir.

A: The lamps.

Q: Something you would keep in a garden shed.

A: A gardener.

Q: Name something you might hide in your sock while swimming.

A: Your legs.

Q: Something associated with the rain.

A: Water.

Q: Something people have more than two of on their body.

A: Arms.

Q: Name one of Harry Enfield's characters.

A: Sooty.

Q: Name something a dentist says.

A: Just a small prick.

Q: Name a way of communicating ove the telephone.

A: 24-hour parcel post.

Q: Something that people make into a ball.

A: Eggs.

Q: Name someone associated with the city of Liverpool

A: Yellow Brick Road.

Q: Something associated with pigs.

A: Police."

Hope you enjoyed.

