And it's goodnight from him...
Well well well look who it is here. Yes, the wonderful MEEEEEEEE.

Neil's diary needed some life injecting into it so I have arrived to do something spectaculAr. Umm, well I can't really think of anything.

Did you know that baby polar bears are extraordinarily cute? Oh yes indeed they are. But not as cute as ducks. Because they are just so cute.

Did I ever tell anyone that I (l) Carmel?

Today has been pretty much uneventful- been to work, came home, sat and complained about starvation, ate, came on here.

BUT Carmelini came home YAY. WAHOOOOOOOOOOOO.

The bestest thing out of everything is that on Thursday, Alexina will be back in the country and then ALL will be well. YAY. *sigh* I can't wait.

Well, I have nothing else more to say apart from I hope everyone is happy and well.

Love Kate x

PS- read my diary if you don't already (
