It's 4:09am and I have to be in Town at 2pm.

Yes, it's back to YPAS for two days of support.

Monday is my time to go and see Sasha. She's going to help me with my self confidence hopefully. I'm looking forward to this, though i'm not quite sure how she's planning to do it.

Then onto Tuesday and back to YPAS for a councilling session with Carol.

I'm really glad that these are back to front, since I'm dying to open my mouth to someone at last. Just talk about anything to someone. I feel very trapped in my room.

I've been cutting a lot today. I've also made a cut that would be worthy of stitches, but it's not like i'm gonna go get stitches now is it?

It's Natalie's birthday on Tuesday, and i'm still undecided as to what I can get her. She asked me for Star Trek: First Contact, but as I said, I'd like to get her something more personal than a video. We shall see.

Today I've been feeling terrible again (hence the cutting), but after talking to Natalie tonight, it did make me feel a bit better and now i'm not feeling so bad. Only Natalie has this effect on me and it's something I truly appreciate.

Speaking of birthdays, I totally forgot that it's my mum's birthday next Monday. I would of carried on not knowing, only for Laura telling me that it was soon. I'm conflicted over this. Should I buy someone something after the way they've treated me in the past? Or, should I buy her something, solely because of the fact she is my mum? I know in the end I'll end up buying her something, purely because it's expected of me and if I didn't, I'd feel guilty.

I'd love to know who actually reads my diary regularly, since I've no way of knowing (besides my counter stats...but that doesn't give names and locations lol). I'd like to know if you read my diary. Please sign the guestbook to say you do. Thanks.

Oh, Natalie sent me the pics I took while I was there. I love this picture A LOT!

