I read Mel's Diary before. It made me very happy for her, but also very jealous. I don't like that - jealousy, but I can't help it. She has what I want - a relationship. I am jealous of anyone who has this.

I need one.

I went the doctors today. I showed him my arms. He said if I don't see a psychologist within three months, he'll refer me to a different one, and get me seen sooner. He had a nicer tone than usual.

I might be having driving lessons soon. I really want them. I'd love to be able to drive anywhere, anytime. It'd be cool.

I'm going to a self help group on Tuesday in Town. I want to go here, because it may give me a chance to make friends at last with people, and also friends who understand how I feel, and will not be freaked out by the appearance of my arms.

A name that I haven't mentioned before is Jenny. Jenny is a girl who started talking to me on ICQ a few months ago now, but we never really spoke to each other. However, for some reason, a few weeks ago, we started talking a lot more and apparantly, she likes me :). I haven't seen a picture of her yet, though. She's seen one of me, and apparantly would like to meet me. I'd like to meet her too. She sounds nice. The sooner I meet her, the better. I am beginning to not care about if she has a picture or not, and just meet her and see for myself, because I really would like someone to be with. Perhaps it could be her? She won't make a date when we can meet, though...which is a shame.

Staying on the topic of relationships, I've being thinking a lot about having a relationship with a guy. However, only for the physical side of things, not emotional. I don't know if I could have a proper relationship with a guy, like I could with a girl. What I am sure of though is that I really must try stuff with a guy. It's something that I really would like to do.

Now if only I could find someone...

Oh yes, for any of the people from College: Yes, I am bisexual (or at least bi-curious). For some reason, I think some of you will find this hard to deal with, although I hope I am wrong.

