I'm sitting here trying to think of something to write other than about my newest injuries and to be honest, I really can't. Aaarghhhrglkjbnrgoiwv!

My mum has given me something extra to worry about, she says that if my arms become any worse, or that she thinks I'm some sort of a danger to myself...SHE'S GOING TO ADMIT ME TO HOSPITAL!!!




So now I have that to worry about as well. She still thinks there's a possibility of me commiting suicide, which there is not. I've given her my word that I never would, and she still doesn't fully believe me. I've told her to talk to Ken, now that I have. I told him also that I never would kill myself, so maybe if he talked to my mum he's make her understand that i'm telling the bloody truth!

My mum is so hard to talk to about all this. It's just so hard.

