I didn't go to see Ken afterall. I couldn't. As soon as I woke up I felt terrible about going. Anxious, nervous, panicy. I pushed myself to get ready to go and I did, but then I just couldn't go one step further and actually go. Argh!!!

Thankfully there'll be a next time, though it's not been decided when yet.

I'm at the doctors tomorrow. Wow isn't my life just busy busy busy? Hmm.

Me and my mum are going to ask him for a second opinion about me. Maybe get a nice doctor this time. Dr Murugananthan wasn't that nice really. Not because he didn't help (well yeah, that too I suppose lol) but I just didn't like him.

I can't wait to see Nat again. I've been looking forward to it since I came home from hers lol. I just wanna hug her again cos it's lovely to have someone to hug! :)

