As you might of seen, I've changed the layout of my diary...only slightly ;). This is to coincide with the launch of Version 7 of my website, so it all fits with each other. Version 7 will be launched on Sunday.

I'm going to see Ken tomorrow. I'm not too worried. What I am worried about is if anyone sees me in College. I know it's no big deal, but it is to me. I'm paranoid I guess.

I've not been getting much sleep lately. I've been going to bed at like 5am and waking up at 11am, and not being able to get back to sleep and it's really getting on my nerves because it means that I feel tired too early on in the night.

I suppose one good thing about getting up early the past 2 or 3 days is that I've been totally commited to designing V7 of my site. I think it helps somehow, being able to design and I think this is why there is so many versions of my site, plus I bet this version won't last that long, although I do like it lots.

Take a look at it soon.

