All work and no play
I've been back at Uni now since Easter for about two weeks. It's back to business as usual.

I'm behind in my work though for one or two projects and the other two projects haven't really produced anything I'm proud of.

That's what I hate about the eight projects in total that I've had since September. I've not produced quality work for any of them. Nothing that I'm proud of. It's all half hearted stuff that I'd laugh at if anyone else produced.

In order to rectify this, I'm trying to at least get one of the projects up to a point that I can say I'm proud of it. Maybe two. Ironically, this project is the one that I have the least amount of work for. However, I have a really good idea in my head and I know that I can pull it off if I just do the damn work which I'm currently not. Why? Because I'm getting far too lazy this semester. I just end up sitting here at my computer all day and night just as if I was at home. It's not productive at all.

I really don't want another week of all-nighters like I did last semester. I need to work now, rather than in three weeks time.

It's felt like I haven't had many lessons over the last week or so, though because on Monday, I didn't have to go in. Debra was giving formative feedback and she'd already given me mine, which meant I didn't have to turn up. Tuesday I went in for my website project, but the responsibility is moreso on Ben, in my group to get it done, since he's repsonsible for actually building it, whereas I'm just responsible for giving him the actual graphics.

Wednesday was my day off, which was spent walking around town and spending roughly �160 on clothes. It felt good to be able to do that! I don't really spend money on stuff most students do i.e. junk food and booze, so I've got a fair amount of money. �1,500 all mine! Well, more like �1,300 right now, but still well over �1000! It makes me feel comfortable knowing I've got money in the bank that's not going to run out tomorrow.

I also bought a cutting knife to cut paper with. Well, I tried to.

"Do you have ID?", the woman said. This always bugs me. You have to be over 16 to buy a blade. I'm fucking 23! Surely there's no question about me being older than 16?
"No, I don't have it on me", I said.
"Sorry, I can't sell it to you then"

And so I had to leave without it. It bugs me so much sometimes that I don't look my age.

Thursday I returned to the shop with ID and bought it before going to class as normal and spent two hours just drawings/cutting things up. I didn't actually touch the computer at all. Very strange for me!

Today, I woke up at 7:30am for my 9am lesson which went over very quickly and then I returned home at 12pm. About 1pm, I recieved a text from Emma from SpiraCreative saying she'd been having trouble with emailing me and had I gotten any of them. I haven't heard from her for a good five weeks or so. I told her this and she said she'd sort it out.

About ten minutes later, Matthew called me and tried to sort out why I hadn't been recieving any of the emails. The main problems was that Emma had been sending to GMail instead of Hotmail. I have an account at both so I guess it was an easy mistake to make.

There's four projects that they want me to be a part of currently. There's Event Frog, which I've already talked about, there's Topping Sales, which I think I've already mentioned and there's also two new projects that they want my help on. The first is their email client. They want a branding for it and a website design. Secondly, apparantly they've secured a job to redesign RadioShack UK's site so I'll be designing that too although that project confuses me. Since RadioShack is a US company and they already have a site, I'm confused why RadioShack UK isn't already a part of that site. You don't see Apple or Amazon or eBay with totally different designs than their American counterparts and I don't see why RadioShack would be any different so I've told Emma this. I'll see what she says.

Also, I'm hoping that for the Topping Sales site, I'll get paid. They did say that I would be paid for it so we'll see what happens. I'm not quite sure how to word stuff like that though. "Oh, by the way, are you gonna pay me? Thanks"...I just don't know how to word it without it sounding rude or whatever. I did slip it in the email though subtley by saying "I'm assuming you've already given the client a quote for the site". You know, just to remind them that if they're getting paid, I'd like to as well.

I also told her that because I have my final deadline in a few weeks, I won't be able to work on their projects as much until they're finished and then I'm theirs for the summer. Again, I hinted at the fact that I'd be available to work full time for them. But by full time, I mean paid time. I'm kind of putting my hopes on them hiring me full time over summer and paying me for it. It'd be great to have that as a summer job and then in September when I restart Uni, I'll have lots of cash to spare.

But, what good is cash if you're not happy, right? And I don't think I'm very happy. I'm not depressed or sad, but I'm certainly not satisfied with how I feel about my life right now. I'm not socialising near enough. I don't really have that many friends. Friends who I can just hang out with. I don't have anyone like that. The only real friend I have is Tom and I only really see him in class. Aside from that, no one. I need more friends. I need more of a social life. And I need a girlfriend. Someone who will make me feel as wanted as I'd make them feel.

But none of that is gonna happen any time soon.
