Home from home
Wednesday, I ended up not going into Uni. I was so damn tired. I couldn't sleep the night before and when I had to get up at 7am, I just turned over and went back to sleep, telling myself I'd go in for the next lesson at 11am. That didn't happen though.

The rest of the day was spent doing a little work and that's about it really.

Hannah text me. We argued via text. There's not much more that needs to be said here, other than I'm supposed to be going to hers on Saturday and talk about things. Whether that will happen or not, I have no idea. We ended up texting each other until about 1am and her final message was that I basically don't listen to anything she says. I do, just that a lot of the stuff she says doesn't make any sense.

I went to Tesco on Wednesday, too. I found OCTOPUS IN JARS! I was absolutely fascinated. They look so freaky. I am definitely going to buy at least one, just so I can stare at it and take pictures.

Yesterday was quite good for the most part. I had my History of Design lecture which lasted for an hour and then I played lots of games of pool with Tom. I managed to equal his score at long last! However, he pulled away after a few games more and the score is now 24-25. I'm definitely getting better though.

He said he was going home after a while so I decided to just play on my own and get some practice in before I went home too.

On the way, I stopped in at the Estates office and once more complained about the fact that none of the problems I'm reporting are getting fixed. I reported them yesterday, yet it's been over a week and I'm still waiting. He asked me to be patient last week and so I was, but a week is long enough.

"Fair play to you", he said, "give me a minute and I'll call them"

So he did, but it was an answering machine. In the end, he said he'd call me later on my mobile number to tell me what was happening.

It was about 4:20pm when I got into town and I decided to go and finally bank the cheque that the Uni had given me for the �131 they owed me. On the way though, I met Kerry and ended up talking to her for quite some time. In the end, it got too late to go to the bank and instead, went with her to McDonalds while she got something to eat. We ended up staying in there until about 6:30pm.

Cat text Kerry while in there and said they were going the cinema to see Borat. I said I didn't want to at first, but Kerry persuaded me to do so. The film started at 8pm, so we walked back to Cat's first. My god it was cold. Somewhere in the minus temperature, easily.

In Cat's, Adam, Hannah and Zoe were there too. They live there, afterall. It's weird how homely it feels, it's really nice and I'm really jealous!

At 7:30pm, we all headed to the cinema besides Zoe. Again, it was freezing outside and we were all very happy once we got to the cinema. It was a little warmer inside.

The film was surprisingly good. For those that don't know, the character Borat started out on a show called The 11 O'Clock Show a few years ago. It was only a five minute segment. I didn't think that could be expanded to two hours but I was quite happily proven wrong. It was funny and disturbing.

After the film, I said goodbye to everyone, since I have to walk a different way to them to get home.

Once back, I talked to Amit and Aneil in the kitchen for a bit while I made a drink, only to realise ten minutes later that I'd forgotten my bag and left it in the cinema! So, I had to walk back there and collect it. Thankfully, though the cinema was actually closed, one of the guys saw me and phoned up to the screen I was in, before letting me in and me getting it myself.

I ended up staying up until about 5am last night talking to Chelsey in America. We had fun on cam. It's at least something while I'm so sexually frustrated!

Today, I'm going home for at least the weekend. It's just coming up to 3pm and I'm typing this as fast as I can so I can actually get out and catch my train.

I woke up at 1pm, but fell back asleep. Luckily, at 2pm, Jamie called me and we spoke on the phone for about ten minutes about various stuff, but mostly to just see if I was still going the pub. I said yes and that I'd see him later and then proceeded to get ready. Or rather, I am proceeding to get ready.

It's going to be good tonight. I've called, texted and messaged everyone I can to get them out. They were probably already going out anyway, but I've made sure of it now. It's going to be a great night out.

Tomorrow, as I've said, I'm supposed to be going to see Hannah. I'm not keeping my hopes up for that. I'm sure she'll just cancel again.

But, I'm going to end on a high note and say that I'll be back in a few days after I've spent the weekend in my own bed in my own home and after spending tonight with all of my friends. I'm looking forward to it.
