Sheep number 173,498
It's 12:24pm and I have been awake since 2pm yesterday. Not good.

I'm very tired and yet, if I go to bed right now, I'm going to end up waking up at about 10pm tonight and then spend all night awake. That's not good.

I tried sleeping at 2:30am last night but decided to get up at 5am because it wasn't working. I had college. That pretty much went out of the window. I haven't been at all this week and that annoys me. I'm sure it also annoys my tutors.

It's my own fault really I guess for spending far too much time online past midnight. It's always a case of "Oh, another half an hour won't hurt". Of course it always does and has terrible conequences.

I'm going to go to sleep for a little bit now. Maybe just for three or four hours and hopefully that will make me sleepy enough tonight. And yet, I know that I'll probably end up sleeping all day and, like I said, wake up at 10pm instead. Not good.

There is other stuff I want to talk about, but I'm too tired to write about it. I'll write about it in another entry.
