I'm disappointed in myself
Laura is back today from her holiday. I've had the house to myself for the last two weeks and it's been great. I know that when she gets back, there will still be that horrible tension between us which I hate. I wish it could always be this quiet.

Oogee pissed in my Mum's bedroom. My Mum found it earlier today when she came to drop a few things off. I didn't notice because of course I don't use my Mum's room. It's really unlike Oogee to wee in the house. He must have really needed to go out and I must not have been awake to let him out or something.

I spent all of Sunday working on a Flash presentation for all of the Angel of Mercy game concept work that I've designed, only to not go in college yesterday and actually present it. I was very annoyed at myself and I hope it doesn't affect my marks for it too much. I was really happy with the quality of work that I produced and I'm hoping that not giving the presentation won't affect my grade too much. I'm also hoping that it's a distinction, rather than a merit. One of my goals is to get distinctions right across the board for each of the 18 units that I have to complete on the course. I probably won't achieve that though.

I ordered a new motherboard about six weeks ago and I asked if Tony, Laura's friend would fit it for me. I could probably do it myself with a bit of trial and error, but I don't have a copy of Windows. In order to install the motherboard, I need to reinstall Windows. I've been asking him for the last six weeks if he'll please come and fit it for me but he hasn't yet. He says that he's really busy all of the time and for the most part I do believe him...unfortunately. I just wish he'd come and do it. I'm fed up of seeing it on my table. It's not like I can even send it back now if there were a problem with it because I've had it so long. I also ordered a new graphics card to replace the one I currently have because it makes a noise sometimes. These are the only two big purchases I've made in a year. The rest of the time, my money just goes on college.

I'm feeling a little...subdued right now. I don't really know why. I just feel a little depressed. I'm hoping that it doesn't last too long.
