The February adventures begin
I promised more good news and here it is. Tomorrow, I'm going to Newcastle to see a girl I've known for a year online. Her name is Fiona and we like each other.

Of course, being three and a half hours apart from each other, the idea of an actual relationship is out of the question and both of us know that. Instead, we intend having a rather passionate few hours together in a nice hotel. It was going to be an entire night together, but she can't stay over due to having work early in the morning.

I'm very excited about going to see her. The hotel I've booked seems rather nice. It's �110 for one night for the both of us. I conciously chose a more expensive one simply because I've never stayed in a posh hotel before and since I have a little bit of money right now, I think I deserve to spend some of it on a fun weekend.

Of course, having not met her before (but plenty of MSN chatting, texting, phone calls and webcams), it means that there's always a risk that she might not be able to make it and I'm worried about that. I keep thinking she's going to call me at some point tomorrow and cancel and that will be my �110 wasted. The hotel will accept a cancellation up until 2pm tomorrow apparantly. So, since we plan on meeting at 1pm, if she does cancel before then, I do have the option of getting my money back for the hotel room but I really hope she doesn't. I most certainly hope she doesn't call me when I'm half way to Newcastle to tell me she has to cancel.

Hopefully I'm being paranoid.

So, this weekend should be pretty damn fun if things go to plan. Ok, so it's only going to be about eight hours together, but I've been wanting to meet her now since last February so I'm really excited that I now have the chance to. Also, if we do get on, I'd love to go back up and see her again when I have the money to do so again and she's got a free weekend.

My train leaves at 9:22am in the morning and doesn't get into Newcastle until 1pm. I'm going to be so tired to begin with but hopefully I'll wake up. Also, I have no idea what I'm going to do for three and a half hours on the train to Newcastle, since it's not like I have an iPod, laptop, PSP or other such device. Just something to make the time go quicker. All I have is my phone and not very many people to text!

I feel so nervous about meeting Fiona. I love this feeling, though. It's a kind of scared/nervous/excited feeling. I love travelling over the country to see people, even though sometimes I get scared that I'm going to get lost or miss a train.

I'll be back in Liverpool at around 9pm on Sunday, hopefully with a head full of lovely memories and a camera full of pictures, clean and dirty ones.

Oh yes.
