Out and about
I've just done some extreme updating and refreshing of both the site I use for pictures of my friends and also, I've added them and pictures of my trip to Carlisle to the picture archive. Go check them out.

Do you actually use the picture archive? Obviously I don't, since I have them all on my computer, but I update the page because I thought maybe you like seeing the pictures and it's a nicer way of looking at them rather than me linking each individual one in entries.

College tomorrow. My current project is to design a game concept. I've decided that my game will be based on the ultimate battle between good and evil - Armageddon. It's going to be called Angel of Mercy. I've started designing some of Hell's characters, but I'm really crap at drawing. Even though they're supposed to be evil and scary, they just look laughable and even a bit cuddly. It frustrates me, because in my head, I know exactly what I want my characters to look like, I just can't get it onto paper. I suppose that I'd be able to with time and if I drew more, but I don't. I'm really glad that this project has a lot of drawing involved because it'll mean that my sketchbook gets filled out a little more and maybe I can improve my drawings skills a bit.

Although Gary said that "starting from this week (this week being two weeks ago), you are working for me", he hasn't exactly told me to do anything and thus, hasn't paid me anything either. I wasn't really expecting him to either really, because Gary talks a lot of shit sometimes. Harsh, but true. I'm hoping that once the business opens up at the beginning of January, that's when I'll actually work. Before that though, he wants me to register a website. The one that he wanted me to register was taken. However, the lease on it expires 5th December so I'm hoping to claim it. When/if I do, he's then going to want me to build a website and that's when I'm going to hate the whole business of telling him how much it's going to cost because I don't plan on doing it as part of my job for him. Having said that, he said that he will give me �250 a week, minus �50 going to my mum and really, �200 is probably what I'd charge him to design the site anyway. However, when the business does start, I know he's going to want me to update the site now and then in addition to anything he wants me to do at the warehouse and I think that should be seperate. I must remember to speak to my tutors about it and see what they say.

On Friday on the way home from college, I text Dave just as I was passing the station where I get off to go to his saying how he needs to have another get together. He said that he was planning to that night and I was welcome to come down so in the end, I did. It was nice. I had fun, although because two or three of my friends smoke and it's a smallish place, not only did the room stink after a while and I felt pretty choked, when I got home, my clothes stunk too. Why do people smoke!

Yesterday, I decided to go to Bolton University's open day. However, after waking up a little late but getting into town to catch the train there on time, I decided not to and instead, decided to go looking for a coat that I desperately need. While in town, I met Jamie and Mike and they helped me look for one. I got one, but now that I've tried it on at home, I've realised that it's not really what I want. It's more of a jacket than a coat and I definitely need a coat because it's so damn cold recently.

I don't know where Laura's gone, but she's not been home for two days. It's been nice. However, you should see the way she's left everything. There are clothes on the bottom of the stairs and on the kitchen floor and on the table. I don't know how she can just leave stuff laying around like that when I never do. It's not hard to pick them up and take them to her room. I want to move them to tidy up but then if I do, I'm cleaning up after her and why the hell should I do that? I can't win. I'd love her to move out soon.

It's coming up to 3am soon so I suppose I should go to bed and try and get some sleep for college in the morning even though I only got up at 4pm and had about 9 hours sleep.
