The thought of going to uni is scary
Half term starts today. I can't say I'm exactly happy about it, since it's not like my half term will consist of anything fun.

I've mostly been confused and worried over the thought of going to university and whether I actually do want to go. It's a huge decision to make because there are so many things to take into account such as where would I go to study, what course do I want to do and would I be able to handle it mentally.

Then, I'm also worried about stuff like Oogee. I don't know what would happen to him if I move to uni for like, two years or something. I mean, Laura would be here, but it's not like she'd actually care for him. She'd probably only just about remember to feed him. Plus what happens if she ends up moving out within the space that I'm in uni? Where will he go?

I've been thinking long and hard about whether I could handle giving him up. Giving him to some family and never seeing him again. But I don't want to do that. He's part of my life. I've had him since he was six months old and he loves me just as much as I love him. You can't just get rid of a pet you've loved for so long.

I need to find somewhere that would care for him and love him, but after I got out of uni, be able to take him back. I know that's not going to be possible though, unless any of you can think of any ideas?

Over the course of the past week or so, I've really been trying to convince myself that going to university is a good idea and that I'll have fun there and I'll make friends and I'll get a great qualification and stuff. I think I've convinced myself. It's all the other things though, like, as I say, Oogee. Then I have to worry about things like can I actually afford it? How do I manage to get all of my stuff to wherever it is I'm going to study?

I've only really got until the end of December to decide where I want to go and what I want to do. Up until about three weeks ago, I wasn't even planning on going to university and now I'm giving it serious thought. I feel like I don't have enough time to decide. I should have been thinking about this months ago.

In other news, my nan is getting better. Her back is much better and she can get up easier now and walk about a bit more. I actually kind of enjoy going around to hers now though just to see how she is so even when she's better, I'll probably still go around there, although maybe she doesn't want me there every night. Maybe just now and then.

In more other news, I am definitely getting fatter. This is not good. I'm very annoyed at myself for letting myself put more weight on and not doing anything about it. So, I'm going to try and do something. Nothing extreme, but just a few sit ups every day and work it up from there. Maybe it will help. I'm tired of being fat.

Walking home from college today, I was thinking about what I could do over the course of my half term and I thought about setting myself a small project. It would be a project similar in nature to those that my tutors give me, but I'd set it myself and it'll last maybe five days or so. I thought maybe it'd give me some more portfolio work. I might do it. Encourage me please!

I am in need of a date. Nothing intense, just a date. I want to take someone out somewhere nice or, by some strange chance be taken out myself. I just want something to look forward to as currently, I have nothing but college. Everyone needs more than college in their life. I want to do something fun. Something exciting. I want to go somewhere. Travel to another city for some reason. Something. I have enough money to do so, but I just have no real reason to right now. Give me some ideas as to what I can do over the half term please?
